October 30th We met

November 24 - First Date

December 2- <33

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What A Gloomy Day

I woke up with a text from my dork haha that punk <3 Anywho I don't know. He was sad about the Casey Anthony trial, that she had been plead not guilty when she had killed her 3 year old daughter. I didn't know much about the little girl's death so I searched it up and found out some things. It made it seem like the mother was the murderer since all evidence pointed to her but why wasn't she charged? I don't know but it made Edward upset. I didn't know what to say to make him feel better. :/ But then he said he had to go change to go work out at the gym so I left to the living room to watch tv and help Jamie with her division. I was a bit upset about last night because we said we were going to name our turtles but he fell asleep but I don't blame him. I guess me being upset is temporarily, it's going to go away soon so I shouldn't make a big deal out of it. Then around 2 hours later I went to get the phone and saw a text from him that Duke is gone and Animal Control has him. Urgh that old white guy next door called them.  At least Duke gets to come back tomorrow. But I sense Edward is still feeling something. I don't know what though. But then he starts sending me happy text messages. I sense that he's just trying to cover it, I don't know why.

I was upset I guess this whole time. It's because I'm watching this drama and it's really said. It makes me think about life. How little time we have and we don't know when life is going to be taken away from us. I don't know but now I have to grow up and suck it in because when you love someone you don't want to worry them. I have to be a big girl now. For him.<3

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