October 30th We met

November 24 - First Date

December 2- <33

Monday, June 6, 2011

No Title

I miss the sound of your voice
And I miss the rush of your skin
And I miss the still of the silence
As you breathe out and I breathe in..

I don't know why I always wake up super hungry.. but when I eat, nothing tastes good. It's all tasteless to me. Having time without him, I realized even more that me && him are total opposites. I'm the shortest in class while he's the tallest// He's athletic while I get hit in the face while attempting to play// The type of music we listen to the most// The type of friends we hang out with// He wants a girl first while I want a boy// He wants a girl first so she can have the chance to get back at the brother// I want a boy so he can protect his little sister from all the bad guys.// There's lots more lololololol

Despite all our differences we still love each other. <3 <3 <3

But why do we have these fights all the time? I guess the reason is that we re both stubborn and won't put our armor down. But if he tells me he rather love than fight I would give it <3 I have a feeling these fights won't ever be avoided. Somehow I get a feeling that even while I am in labor (however you spell it) we would be fighting or something. Lol its funny to think about that but I hope it doesnt come true. When we have our first born I want him there, holding my hand and getting thru it with me <3 :) 120209

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